Monday, November 19, 2007

San Francisco Oil Spill

10:23 a.m. November 19, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO – Ten members of Congress including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are in San Francisco seeking answers on the recent oil spill.
The chairman of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation tells The Associated Press his number one goal is to figure out how the spill happened November 7th, and the Coast Guard's performance.
Cummings says the Coast Guard took on more national-security duties such as protecting ports after September 11th. He tells A-P he wants to determine whether the Coast Guard is now stretched too thin to respond to disasters such as the spill.
Cummings also wants to study the possibility of requiring double hulls on the fuel tanks of cargo ships, and the possibililty of requiring the Coast Guard to more actively manage vessel traffic in waterways.

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